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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lifestyle Ambience, Fall 2005

Recently I came across this collection of recollections; as you can tell by the reference to Salt Lake City, it is rather old!
Buzz. Statement of Mission: No mission. It's the year of the goose. [1995 was a Year of the Goose in the Canadian Zodiac, so that’s probably when I compiled this.]
It's the year of the one-of-a-kind love affair [from the Spinners 1973 album, The Spinners]. Or is it? I wonder.
Early morning breakfasts: Guess who's coming to
Sunstream. A slow sunstream on an early morning, on an early summer in the city [#1 hit from 1966] morning.
A sundance, a raindance, all in clay animation.

Take a risk!
Here's a Hug

Things are gonna get easier
Things'll get brighter
Some day
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter [1970, from the Windy City’s Stairsteps]

In Salem we had UCC ladybugs and Federal architecture. And the Salem Tab – a tabernacle!
In Salt Lake we have no bugs and Early Mormon architecture. And The Tabernacle.

We have our hope set on the Living God
Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight, Time Passages [Al Stewart, 1978]
Home is Shelter. Where is home?

Who was Saint Bavo? I don't seem to be able to ask anyone who knows.

In my entire time I've learned only one thing:
If money is making money, someone is being exploited.
And that's an important thing to know.

You said you'd give me life, but you never told me about the fire.